Since I was sick, I really haven't felt like keeping track of what's going on around the house...
My Mom took me for a walk around the Front Yard...
You can come along if you want...
It's growing right in front of the window...
My Mom didn't want to cut it off cuz there is a really pretty rose there...
She says she will cut that long branch off after the rose is gone...
Lots of Get Well Cards from my friends in the neighborhood...
Just making sure no one has been messing with my Dad's truck while I was sick...
I usually keep a really good eye out from my Look Out Spot in the window,
but I've been kind of slacking this week...
We missed Rosco Wednesday this week...
I told him he can have two days next week...
Thanks, again for all the good wishes...
Abby xxxooo
I usually keep a really good eye out from my Look Out Spot in the window,
but I've been kind of slacking this week...
I told him he can have two days next week...
Thanks, again for all the good wishes...
Abby xxxooo
I'm so glad to see you'we up and about!!1 it's so nie to wead peemails fwom fwiends..I bet that wose smells gweat!
have a pawsome day
smoochie kisses
We are very glad to see you are feeling better and getting back to your normal duties. Hopefully the new diet won't be too terrible!
Lookin good Abbaroo! All sniffin and walkin and stuff. Glad you are back.
Good to see you out and about! Such alot to catch up on!
Hi Abby,
it's great to see you back on your feet and able to enjoy some fresh air. Looks like you had plenty to keep you busy.
love, licks and tailwags,
Ben xxx
Hi, Abby!
Glad to see you walking around your front yard!
I hope you are feeling much better now!
Kisses and hugs
Abby: You got better while muzzer was away, and we are sorry we didn't get a chance to check in sooner to get the good news. Hope you continue feeling well enough to patrol your territory.
Abby, my sweet girl, I had no idea you'd been so sick! I'm going to send you a big bouquet of roses and some Yankee stadium hotdogs immediately.
Your pal,
Hi Abby, good to see you're well and back to doing your routine stuff. :) I miss you
~ Girl girl
Yay Abby! I'm so glad to see that you are feeling better! I bet there's lots of pee-mail, don't wear yourself out trying to catch up on it all!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Thank you for the tour, it was wonderful. I like it when you look all healthy and shiny and happy and playful...I just like you, period.
Glad you are feeling better and nice you have a sunshiny day to go outside for a walk.
I´m so glad to see you are feeling better! You look well walking outside and checking you territory. :)
Love and licks
I'm glad you're out and about and feeling better.
Glad ta see yer out and about 'n sniffin' peemail....there's no better pick-me-up than there was lots on yer Dad's tires fer sure....ya sure look nice 'n fluffy 'n good yer feelin' better again....stay well....
Dewey Dewster here....
Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a good weekend.
Simba x
Hi, Abby -
Thanks for the tour of your front yard. We are so glad that you are feeling better and that no one fooled around with your Dad's truck.
Papa and I (Hershey) are going to visit Grammy and Kaci this weekend.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
G'day Abby
I am so happy that you are feeling better and are up and around. Was there anything exciting in the PeeMail?
Nice to meet you Abby, glad you are feeling better!
I love to read those peemails, keep sniffing!
Murph (and Reilly too)
Hi Abby, so glad you are feeling better now. Don't over exert yourself now. Take things slowly. still look a little wobbly...please be careful when ur walkin' till ur steady on ur glad ur friends left all those get well peemails!!!
Your fur is so white....what kinda shampoo do you use? I should get some for Scruffy...especially his feet...he's rather dingy!!!
Healin' barks, Lacie
Levi likes your yard. Thanks for the tour. Me glad you are feeling better.
Love, Levi
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