I've been really worried & anxious about Scruff...
So, yesterday, my Mom took me to the Spa for a
Pamper Session to calm me down...
When I got home, I told her I needed to go out
and search for him for awhile...
As soon as I got outside, I tried to pick up anyscent that might help me find him...
I thought I might have heard something, too...
I wasn't sure, so I started following the scent...
The wind was pretty strong...So I might have lost it...
I think I picked it up again...
I'm still searching...
I'll let you know if I find anything...Scruff, PLEASE show up soon...
Abby xxxooo
I bet he is furry furry khlose!
Hi Abby
You look very pretty after your spa session!
We are really worried about Scruff too.
If you need any help sniffing let us know. We are really good at sniffing.
Martha & Bailey xx
Hi, Abby!
You look beautiful!
I hope Scruff is coming to your house soon!
Kisses and hugs
omdog we sure hope he makes it there soon!!!
Hi Abby,
Your fur is sooooo snowy white!! Is it the spa session??
Hopefully Scuffy goes home soon.. **cross paws**
Hi Abby. Don't worry. I'm sure Scruff is on his way to you. And I bet he's going to love how white and fluffy you look! Happy Mommy's Day to your mommy who is sooooo nice!
Hi Abby, you look really nice after your spa. Hope Scruff shows up soon.
I have an award for you :-)
Hi Abby
Scruff's Mum & Dad really appreciate you looking fur him. We still have not heard anything though :(
Big licks to you
You sure look pretty, Abby. And you know how to sniff out a scent - and find the trail. So when Scruff comes rolling in, you'll spot him right away and he'll be oh-so-happy to see you!
Abby, we are sure he is on his way! he probably got delayed to buy you some flowers and treats!
You look booty-full after your trip to the spa!
Once he knows how beautiful you look, we are sure he will be right at your door.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
I still think he's a double agent up to no good. Sorry Abby... but I'm available:)
Awww, you poor poor soul. I'm sure he'll be right there soon I hope.
Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies
You look so wondewful and spawkly white and I hat e to see you so wowwied. I'm suwe you will sniff Scwuff out weal soon..at least I hope so..I'm tewwibly wowwied
smoochie kisses
Oh dear.. I hope Scruff gets home soon
~ Bae
You smell good after the grooming, Abby, I mean you still smell good even before!
I'm worried about Scruff too, I hope it's just a minor injury. I can feel his pawsteps now, feel it, Abby?
We made our moms so happy on pet mom's day, didn't we?
I do not know Scruff but I sure hope he gets found! I think you are doing really well looking for him.
We hope you find something soon.
Simba and Jazzi xx
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