One morning this week my Mom took me out
for my morning walk...
(It must have been Wednesday...Sorry about the garbage cans)
Look what I found...
There's some here, too...Yay!!!
And, here!!
Then, this morning I looked out the window...Here's what I saw...
Living in Central New York can be sooo confusing...I guess the Groundhog really did see his shadow...Or, didn't he??That's another thing I can't keep straight...Abby xxxooo
It does confuse me too, green grass then white snow, the weatherman can't make a decision!
Don't worry about it..just keep warm.
Hi, Abby!
I can understand your confusion!
I hope you are now inside warm and comfy!
Kisses and hugs
You and me both, pal. I am SICK of the snow already. Plus the ice! Yuck.
I heard the groundhog did see his shadow. That's yucky, cause that means cold and I don't like cold.
At least my grass is still here. He he.
I nevew undewstood the gwoundhog thingy..but thewe suwe is lots of snow whewe you's weiwd..I'm in new yowk and hawdly had any???????
Mommi loved the chowdew at lthe legal place too.
I hope you see lots mowe gwass soon
smoochie kisses
My goodness, the snow just keeps on coming eh? Well I hope you're enjoying it...
Abby, the groundhog DID see his shadow but that was a few weeks ago, thank goodness. It's snowing here today and I haven't seen any grass since like October. But don't worry your sweet little head - spring is coming soon, I think... Yes, weather is a very confusing concept.
I'm khonfused as to why WOO get all my snow?!?
Hmm...Mother Nature seems confused lately.
I think the Snow lady should change her shift with our Mr.Sun here. Mr.Sun has been staying here for so long....
slurpy licks,
Hi Abby,
Oh dearie me.. it sure is confusing.. green grass one minute, white snow the next... Hmmm
abby, make sure you put on coat before u go out yer.
wet wet licks
Oh... I wonder where the snow went...
Maybe it's on vacation
~ Bae
Ooohh It looks furry cold there.
Big warm licks to you
Hi Abby,
Could you please send some of your snow down to Texas. It was warm earlier last week and this weekend it got cold again but no snow. If its gonna be cold it should snow!!
You have such a cute little ponk tongue.
Where did all that grass??
Stay warm, Abby!
Come visit me, its not confusing at all, just sun sun sun!!
Stay warm in all that snow! We have lots of temperature variations, too!
I thought it was almost spring for you for a minute! I hope it warms up soon for you. How horrid a thought to have to pee in snow. Maybe you could use a litter box like me?
Yep Abby...
That ridiculous, relentlessly rumbling rodent did see his shadow....why, went 'n put "WANTED" posters in all public places 'n offered a reward fer his capture....there should be a law against any more snow or cold this season.....'n he's the one ta blame too.....if we catch 'em....we're havin' a barbeque.....
Dewey Dewster here....
You would have been the pwettiest giwl at the Oscaws if you had gone..smoochie kisses
WOW look at all u wuffys i am a wuffy to and i just got my one blog MY bean gave all the kittys a blog so no i have one but no wuffy come by THIS wite stuff look good to me wat is it i have green grass i send it to u my bean sey u beautifu and cute we going to com see u a lot
Looks like the snow is slowly melting away...
Smelling like a Citrus,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Abby
Your poor lil feetzies cannot take much more need warm grass to squat in....I will try and send you warm weather.
We can't wait until we have lots of grass, too! Spring is our favorite season!
Gus and Waldo
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