This is an old picture, but this is just what I did when I got
home from School yesterday...
OMdoG...It was soooo much fun...
I made six new friends...
**There was a Little White Maltese like Snowy & Crystal & Mango...
**A German Shepherd whose parents rescued him after his other parents left him in an Apartment when they moved out...WHAT'S WRONG WITH PEOPLE??...
**A Little Black Dashund ( I don't know how to spell that) like Lorenza - only a different color...
**A Little Black Cock-a-Poo...He was sooo cute & playful...
*A White & Tan Cocker Spaniel...He kind of had a crush on me, I think...
**And, a Wheaton Terrier who was kind of far away from me...
So we couldn't talk alot...
But, I'll make sure I get to know him better next time...
I wasn't happy with the School Lady when she told my Mom that if she wanted me to stop jumping all over everyone when they come to see us, that she needs to start ignoring me when she gets home until I calm down...
Sheeesh...I'm just saying Hi...
But, it was mostly fun & I got lots of treats....
And my Mom says I did really good & I was a very Good Girl...
Then I came home & took a nap...
Oh...& I got two Awards...
This one is from Thor...Thank You, Thor!!!

It's really hard to choose...So when you stop by, just take one with you...
Cuz, I Love You all!!!
Oh...& there are alot of you that are as excited about
Autobiography Week as Chef & I are...
Don't forget, no matter how old you were when you got to your Forever Home...
Make sure you stop by & tell us ALL about it...
And, leave a comment for us on the Blog to let us know you want to join in....
Abby xxxooo
Abby xxxooo
Hi Abby!
I´m glad you are having so much fun at school! You made lots of cool friends there! No Golden??
Love and licks
Hi Abby! I hate going to school! School are evil! MWahahah
Hi, Abby!
I wish I could to to school too!
Here we don't have them!
Congratulations on your award!
Kisses and hugs
So ya really are goin' ta school.....we figured it was really fer Rosco since he was a bit.....well, wild.......'n blamed ya fer his mistakes....
Sounds like ya made new friends....hope ya continue ta do ya get lots of treats.....
Dewey Dewster here.....
G'day Abby
You've made lots of new friends. That's always good :-)
I bet you did pawsome at school Abby. It's nice to make so many new friends
~ Girl girl
so nice to hear that you enjoyed your day at school =)
will you be seeing your maltese friend again next time?
If so please take a pic of her to share with us :o)
Maltese Paws
Sounds like you made some pawesome friends. D can't believe someone would leave a dog behind in an apartment...your right Abby, what is wrong with people.
Congrats on your awards!!!!
Noah xx
Hi Abby.. YOU WON, pop on over to my blog to check it out!
Please ask your Mom to e-mail your postal address so we can get your prize sent to you.
Thank you for supporting Nowzad Dogs,
love and tailwags,
Ben xxxxx
w00f's Abby, congrats on ur win on Ben's contest...those were a fun bunch of puppies..not no y me cant go to puppy school...i guess cause me iz a teenager now...
b safe,
Looks like you're having lots of fun at doggie school, Abby. I bet you're very popular and the teacher's pet too!
Ignore you?? how is that POSSIBLE?! hm, that teacher lady sounds crazy to me. Glad you are liking the other doggies.
I hope you are getting enough treats. It helps to sit a lot and look the treat dispenser in the eye like you expect something. My mom is trying to stop me from jumping hello too. But I'm hard to ignore.
Hey'a Abby!
I found your blog through Ben the Rotti! Looks like you had funs at school, I start next week!
I think I'll have to join in on the Autobiography week, sounds like funs.
I'll add ya to my fur friends list, if thats ok!
Tail Wags,
hi Abby, thanks for reminding us about the autobiography week. we're gonna put our post together next week, after we get home from our road trip.
we always did like school. it's so much fun and we like to make new friends there. that rule about not jumping up is silly though. don't humans understand anything?
Hi Abby,
it's me, Rambo the chihuahua. Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi!!
I will have my G-Mom work on my autobiography this weekend.
It's nice to make new friends, huh?
Glad you had fun.
Hi, Abby -
Congratulations on winning the contest. Mama is behind in blogging because of school. Thanks for letting us know about the autobiography week. We'll get Mama to work on ASAP.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hi Abby
I am glad you really like school and made alot of new friends. I should probably go to school too. I still get excited and almost knock my mum down when she gets home and right now I am getting alot of like schooling at home. I have to be in bed by 10:00pm....isn't that insane.
I will try and get my auto bi ag ruffy for you...remind me if I don't like in two days.
Paw hugs
Sounds like you have made some nice friends. I am going to get Mummy to do my post today. Congrats on your awards.
Simba x
Dear Abby,
Congrats on the Awards and thanks for passing onto me. I'm totally honored!
Thanks a lot for arranging the Auto Biography Week. I'm in!
Your school must be fun since a "White & Tan Cocker Spaniel...He kind of had a crush on me, I think..."
Tell me who does not have a secret crush on you? Both of my Puggy Brothers Ximui and Chubs are crazy about you, thay are just too shy to tell you.
Of course you want to jump on things,'s our little dog way of explorin'...Mumsie gave up on Scruff and me...but she is gettin' Stanley to stop...after he almost knocked her down the stairs the other day...hehehehehee!
Have to find some pics of us as babies!!!
Hmm...does this mean that we won't be going out on a date?????
Just kiddin' Mango!
Looks like you found yourself an adorable girlfriend...!!!!!
Let me know if I can give you any love advice!!!
Love and kissies...laciegirl
OOOOPSIE...we thought we were writin' on Mango's, I DID NOT JUST ASK YOU OUT ON A DATE...I DID NOT...
Lacie is blushin' as she rarely admits it when she screws up...
OH MY...
This better not get spread around...
I have to go to Mango's and explain....
Sorry ABBY!
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