So...When my Mom was too busy for me this weekend...I found this little "Find a Word Book" on the end table...
This is what I did to it....

She didn't even get mad...I think she felt bad cuz she was ignoring me...So, she just picked up the pieces & put them in my favorite chair....
And I rolled on them for a minute....

I Love my Mom....
Oh...& I'm going to the "Spa" tomorrow...
Abby xxxooo
Hi, Abby!
Looks like you found something interesting to do!
I love to do that to my mom's magazines!
Kisses and hugs
Did you manage to find many words in the book? You have a cool mom! Mine would've turned green like Incredible Hulk if I did that. Books are very precious to her.
Have fun at the spa!
Your mom sure is nice and what a fun way to pass time.
I bet you'll look pawsome after spa session tomrrow
~ Girl girl
Yep, that's what I would have done to that book too! Those books just don't make any sense to me .. how are you supposed to read them?
Youw Mom suwe loves you lots!!!
Hope you have a gweat spa day!
smoochie kisses
Wow you turned the word search book into a puzzle .....I think you did a terrific job!!!!
I am trying to update my blog but bubbleshare is not working properly and its driving me insane. I need to go destroy something.
You're going to the spa. Have fun and do not forget to show off your nail polish color.
Ha ha, good job on that word puzzle! Did your mom notice you? When I get nervous or upset I pick my toenails with my teeth and sometimes I chew on plastic bags.
Wow Abby, you are so smart. I do not dare to touch those words book...I cant understand a single whats the "activities" for this coming weekend?? LOL
slurpy licks,
You are smart. And your mom is nice. Arrow likes to chew on a suduko puzzle book. Too hard for the humans. Enjoy the spa.
GREAT job!! I am glad your Mom didn't get mad! Way to let her know you were bored!
Gee Abby...
Yer Mom sure is nice ta ya after ya chewed up that book....don't know if Gram woulda been so calm if one 'o us chewed up a book 'round here.....My Pappy Alfie used ta chew up 'n eat none ever get put in the waste cans 'round here....'n he went ta the bridge in December....guess Gram still remembers......
Dewey Dewster here.....
Oooh, that looks like a very productive activity. I am glad that your human realized it was all her fault!!!!!!!! My big sis got home late tonight and is all tired. If she doesn't behave, I'll be forced to show her what happens when humans ignore their doggies. And I'll show her on her pillow! *evil laugh*
I wish you could walk over here too and we could play together..I always share my toys with others and stuff. My mum tells me always to be polite...and don't even eat fast, I actually chew my food and swallow, then take another bite...Mum says she should have named me Jeykl & Hyde cuz I can be so crazy and the next be so polite.
I hope you are having a wonderful day...Are you still finding things to do?
Hi, Abby -
Kaci and I did something similar to Mama's dictionary. We have a post where it says "The Dogs Ate My Homework."
Aren't we smart dogs?
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
She probably realized that you were just trying to expand your mind with that word book. Cooper used to love magazines with perfume ads in them. If it happens again, just tell your mom it's a dog thing.
Levi's mom
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