But it was REALLY fun anyway...
Abby xxxooo
My Mom took me outside
to play in the leaves...
Stop back tomorrow for
Part #2...
Abby xxxooo
And, I looked in My Back Yard...
No Snow anywhere...
Now, I'm not complaining...I'm just saying!!!
Oh...And a few days ago, I got this Award
from Our Friends Addie, Lucie, & Hailey... Thanks, You Guys...You are ALWAYS Showing Love!!!
Here are some rules that came with the award:
**Put the award on your blog and link to who gave it to you.
**Give a nod to Purple Hatter who made the award
**Share a picture or story of how you ‘Showed Some Love’ lately
**Give the award to at least 5 (or more) of your blogging buddies
who you believe have showed some love and ask them
to share their picture or story too!!
Here is a picture of me Showing Some Love to
Rosco when he came home from his surgery... He was really sick so I watched over him til he felt
good enough to get back to running & playing &
"sharing" our toys...
I'm gonna pass this on to everybody...
That's 5 or more, right??
I know all of you Show Your Love
in your Own Special Way!
Abby xxxooo
I've been sitting in my Look Out Spot alot lately...
I've noticed alot of changes going on...
Oh...And, wait til you see the
Ridiculous Howl-O-Ween Costume my Mom got me...
That's for my next post...
Abby xxxooo